Sunday, July 6, 2014

On Sundays We Wear Pink

Josephine had a good day today.  Following her bath (which daddy facilitated), Josephine began breathing exercises in preparation for her ERT (extubation readiness test) tomorrow.  Whether she was worn out from squirming during her bath or simply behaving in typical baby fashion, Josephine essentially slept right through the exercises and passed with flying colors.  During rounds, the Attending Physician decided that Josephine was ready for lower ventilatory support, and gave the O.K. to reduce her settings and begin a series of workouts at the same level as the ERT.  The two-hour workout done this afternoon was no challenge for our little fighter, and if she's able to pass two additional sessions this evening they may consider extubation tomorrow. (Hooray!)

True to form, Josephine also decided she was pretty much finished with her two remaining cardiac lines today.  (These are the lines placed in her heart during surgery that allow the nursing staff access to both administer medications and draw blood.)  Line number two stopped drawing yesterday and began leaking, so the nurse capped it off.  I think Josephine saw this as her opportunity to finally be free from this particular burden.  At some point this afternoon, the stitch holding cardiac line number one came loose and the tube slipped out entirely.  So, one line is out and the other (since it's not functional) will be removed tomorrow along with the pacer wires which are also loose and in danger of simply falling out. 

On a lighter note, today was pink day in CICU room 204.  Josephine was swaddled in her new bright pink giraffe blanket, and sported a pink and white bow and matching bright pink Mary Jane booties.  Dolly and Pony were also right in style, and even helped Josephine manage the bootie that she was unable to wear on her foot due to a new IV line.  Despite the fact that Panda wasn't wearing pink, the girls (Josephine, Dolly and Pony) were very accepting and allowed him to stick around and hold the ventilator tube from time to time.  No Mean Girls here. :p

 I've never been a big fan of pink...but my goodness, this little diva really makes it look good.  Looking forward to a wonderful (and maybe tube-free) day tomorrow.  :)


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