Though I wasn't able to be there today to witness Josephine's triumphant transfer to the IMU (as I am feeling a bit ill and didn't want to risk passing anything to her), she has finally done it! Over the week she made slow but steady progress toward her goals: gaining weight, fighting off infection and improving her respiratory status. Early in the week we learned that the urine cultures they took over the weekend showed a small amount of Enterobacter. (Apparently, this has been a problem among a few of the patients in the CICU. Since the Infectious Diseases team at CMC is trying to determine the origin of the infections and wanted to prevent further spread, anyone who enters Josephine's room must now wear a yellow isolation gown. While yellow isn't really my best color, I'll gladly do it to be able to spend the time with our sweet girl.)
On a fun note, Josephine transitioned to a big girl bed (she's very long and was outgrowing the baby bed) and got her first experiences in her bouncy seat this week. Despite her yawn in the picture above, she enjoyed it immensely. :)
By far, her favorite activity at this point is simply resting in our arms. The Attending Physician this week told me I might be spoiling her by holding her so much, but I don't mind. She and I have nearly six weeks worth of cuddling to catch up on...and I intend to reclaim every minute of it.
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