Sunday, June 1, 2014

Josephine's Big Day

The past couple days have gone well.  In addition to taking her first meal - of which she ate about 45 ml (Momma was so proud :) ) - and learning some truly adorable new expressions, Josephine has remained medically stable.  The doctors started her on Billiblanket therapy due in part to rising Bilirubin levels (indicating slight jaundice) and to inhibit excess bleeding during surgery.  I'm not sure Josephine has enjoyed the glowing blue light of the Billiblanket, but as with all things so far, she has endured it like a champ and complained very little.

Based on the results of the CT scan done on Thursday, Dr. Forbess and the heart team have decided shunting is the best option for Josephine's anatomy.  Basically, this will involve closing the Patent Ductus Arteriosis (held open since birth by IV prostaglandin therapy) and placing a 3 mm Gor-Tex tube between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery.  Doing this will insure that, for now, Josephine's blood will be able to travel from her heart to her lungs to be oxygenated.  Because Josephine will continue
to grow and the shunt obviously won't, the solution is only temporary and will be followed by another procedure in 4 - 6 months when she is larger and has gained some strength.

At this point, I think we're equally excited and terrified.  Excited because Josephine has managed to make it this far and is stable enough to undergo the surgery.  Terrified because...well, she's our baby.  It's hard to turn her over to someone else and trust that everything will be O.K.  I've said from the very beginning of the pregnancy that it has been a lesson in surrendering control (which is SO hard to do.)  But really, there's no choice.  Tomorrow we surrender our precious Josephine to the hands of the surgeons and the will of God.

Officially, surgery should begin at around 8:15 tomorrow morning and continue through lunchtime if all goes well.  After surgery, the most critical period will be the following 8 - 12 hours.  Prayers and positive thoughts on Josephine's behalf would be greatly appreciated during that time.  We know she has made it this far because she feels the love shown by our wonderful family members, friends, coworkers, church groups, prayer circles, friends of friends and acquaintances.  Amazing things can be accomplished through love...Josephine is the proof.

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